Never Too Late
It's been 1.5 years!
Well, hello again longgg dead blog. I've decided to revive you after such a long period of time's just fun! The last time I wrote in you was a very difficult and depressing time for me. We shall not dwell on it and let bygones be bygones!
So a little update on my current situation: I'm still very much with the company. Yes, the SAME company. All's well and good so far, though of course thoughts of changing have popped up here and there. Circumstances have convinced me to stay on for longer so we shall see how it all pans out in the future :)
I have also since bought a new car and traded my old (though very faithful) car in for this one. So it's now my baby which costs me a painful monthly commitment :P Good thing though.
Sooooooooooo! Im well and good. Loving everything around me at the moment (just lack a freaking iPhone). Was in KL yesterday and today for a training which my company sent me to. It was right in the heart of KL on Jalan Ampang, where all the embassies stand - Malaysian Institute of Management. The morning traffic towards KL surprised me on Day 1. I was all paranoid and geared up for the worst but surprisingly, traffic on the Federal was FINE. Wayyy fine. Even considered pretty damn smooth! THAT was a freaking relief. The nightmare came AFTER 5, when the training ended. Traffic was a gridlock, hardly moving even an inch a minute! Working in KL, NEVER an option. Unless, the pay is pretty :D
I overdosed on my coffee quota (which is 2 cups a day) on Day 1 of the training. Had 4 cups :o Just could NOT stay awake by 3 something. I was literally sleeping in front of the trainer. Not good. Anyway I tried to cut down today but having it in front of me (just in case) but not sipping too much from it. Success!! Managed to stick to my quota.
So bored, decided to take photo of my own name.
The only thing that stood out from the training was when he told us this:
'HK has the highest number of Rolls Royce cars in the world'
Great stuff.
Speaking of coffees, got me thinking about dairy. I'm beginning to convert to a fan of Full Cream Milk. Have always grabbed the Low Fat varieties off the shelf as well, you know, GIRLS. We all drink Low Fat Milk. Well one day I was just sneaking around in the kitchen looking for my cookies & milk when I gasped in horror upon looking inside the fridge - we're outta Low Fat Milk! However, there stood a brand new unopened beautiful box of Full Cream Milk. Being a milk monster and craving milk THERE and THEN, I said "what the heck!' and poured meself a glass. Also for old times sake la since I haven't exactly had Full Cream Milk in ages. The moment the white liquid hit my palate, the first thought was 'what have I been missing out all these years???' Geeeeeeeez! Full Cream Milk is AWESOME! It's sweet, it's rich, it's tasty! NOTHING like Low Fat Milk! To be honest, I haven't thought I would be able to tell the difference but I guess my palate has upgraded. So, it could be Full Cream Milk grazing my fridge soon.
I OVERSPENT AGAIN!!! Slap me please, somebody. I always try to save, save & save BUT in the end if I walk into a freaking store, all hell breaks loose. Esp Charles & Keith. Dammit, whenever I step foot into that place, I feel like a freaking kid in a candy store and the month's savings diminish instantly.
Anyhoos...this blog is officially revived! Will try to write more often. Writing is good.
Toodles & G'nite