Withdrawal Symptoms

Lately I have been feeling the urge to bake. Pies, tarts, cakes, cookies, muffins and scones. URGE but haven't done it yet. Simply because lately, I have also been mind-blowingly lazy. Lazy to even step out of the house save for meals and work. It's also getting way scary cos I seem to be focused on food 24/7. I google food, think food, breathe food and crave food EVERY FREAKING SECOND.

What is going on here????

I have also channeled my remaining energy to derive reasons and excuses to evade work. I am a lying pig. I really am. But what can I do? The mind controls me. In addition, a sickening addiction to coffee has arisen. Cafe21 is the shits. Yum. So is cheese. I have never been much of a cheese muncher but I have fallen prey to this fermented sin. Melted between pieces of toast in the oven.

I need a new camera so badly I am ready to sell my soul for one. A pink camera me wants!! My life has become so picture-less it pains my joints and hurts my temples. So much food, yes food I have consumed but couldn't document for the world to see.

The only good thing is I seem to be sleeping less nowadays. But then I think the reason also pertains to food. Breakfast. Cafe21. Yes, I know why now. I crave Cafe21 so much I would rather wake up early and pounce on a cup rather then sleep in. Then if there is no work, I spend time watching more food on telly and fantasize about the dishes Gordon Ramsay whips up.

I think I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms of an unemployed (as in full time proper job and not some pig eyeing the customer's coffee) assface.

Oh God. Save Me.


Anonymous said…
cafe21 is the canned cafe is it?=)
u are working at starbucks now right?why ain't u drinking the coffee there? haha.

yepp,how are the interviews so far?=)

i want to go KLLLL soonnnnnn!


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