The Disgusted

Waking up this morning and reading the news on CNN utterly shocked me beyond words. In Beijing, illegally run operations are selling baozi, which is probably our pork buns, made from cardboard softened by industrial chemicals and flavoured with fatty pork and powdered seasoning. Reading their description about the process of making the buns simply transcends disgusting and unsanitary would be an understatement.

Pieces of cardboards picked up from the ground are soaked till they turn into pulp in caustic soda. These are then chopped up into tiny pieces followed by stirring in of fatty pork and seasoning. Apparently, majority of people cannot taste the difference and it fools the average person. 60% of the bun is made up of cardboard. The reporter was carrying a hidden camera oblivious to the maker and even tasted one of the buns. Yucccccckkkkkkkkkk.

This article has pretty much crumbled my wavering confidence in Chinese products. Pork buns, anyone??


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