Just finished watching the Amazing Race Asia with my Dad and Mom. A nice glass of wine coupled with some good cheese accompanied us. Mmmmmmmmm. Cheese. Guess who won? .

Joe Jer and Zabrina! And the first all-female team to do so in Amazing Race history. Not too bad eh? Malaysia Boleh!!!!!! Wooooooohoooooo.
2 days ago, had a chat with my brother on the couch from like 10 all the way till 2am in the morning. We were basically talking about everything under the sky - our experiences in Australia, Uni life, childhood days and the future. At one point, we were talking about our proudest moments and I was teleported back to my Sec 4 days. Oh secondary school, how I miss it now even though they weren't the most glamourous moments. How Becky and Zhenhui always tease about the book-hugging bus-chasing me at 1.40p.m. most school days. I wasn't even aware I was being observed and laughed at. Sad shit la. Anyway, it's no surprise, my chinese sucks. Many have commented. However, I will never ever forget how my then Chinese teacher always believed in me. I didn't even believe in myself. I was contented to do fairly well. I recall how she paid a lot of attention to me - my essays, letter writing and all that. She would pull me in her office and talk to me about how she knows I was capable of much more. Without a single doubt, it was that constant berating and more importantly, the belief that kept pushing me nearer and nearer towards my goal. The O'Levels Chinese paper was in June and during the time, my family was going to Melbourne to visit my brother. I pushed thoughts of any holidaying aside and forfeited my trip. Instead, I devoted my time to studying for the Chinese paper. I refused to allow anything to slip from my hands. The results came out a month or two later. The scene was that of fear, worry, sweat, tears - literally anything you can think of. How my teacher walked into the classroom with that piece of paper in her hand, how fast my and every single person's heart in that room was beating, how all of us were huddled together and how optimism and pessimism were co-existing, I remember each and every single second. When my teacher read out my marks: 'Yang Hui Min, A1', I was like OH. MY. GOD. Couldn't believe my ears. I smacked the table and shouted a seriously dodgy 'YES!'. How my teacher nodded approvingly at me will forever be sealed in my memory. It was ALL worth it. The hours of torturous study, never-ending classes and sleepless nights. I can definitely say that was one of the proudest moments I could have ever had in my life. And hopefully many more proud moments to come!
Well, I know it's a little too late but heck. Just wanna say a huge and sincere THANK YOU MS HUANG JIE BO. From the heart. You believed in me like no one else, not even myself, and I couldn't thank you more for that.
Moving on, let me describe to you a perfect morning up till last week. Waking up around ten-ish, washing up, drinking freshly squeezed juice, then picking up the morning paper and reading it. In the process, flip on the TV and watch the Australian Open. You know what? Pardon my language but oh my gosh this dude is soooooooooooo totally fuckable! Check him out for yourself:

They touted him 'Red Hot Chilean' when he reached the final against Roger Federer and I say give me all the chillies! And talk about that cuuuute South American accent. Step aside Nadal, Fernando Gonzalez is the new champion of my list of tennis hotties. Looking at his eyes just suck you in. Too bad he wasn't as strategic and flawless in tennis as Federer but I was certainly glued to the match (of course I paid attention to real tennis as well la eh). Previously, I was kinda pissed he trashed Nadal but later MY. MY. MY. Yum. I love guys with curly and long-ish hair. In the words of Homer Simpson: Mmmmm.
New fave country: Chile
During this holiday, I have finished the entire Season 1 of Prison Break. And now halfway through Season 2. The story is a tad unbelievable, how perfectly timed each situation is and how he always got what he needed. However, it's freaking kan-chiong I must say. Sometimes, I cannot take the kanchiongness. But it got predictable after a while. Still, I wanna know what happens in the end.
Another would be Heroes, which is damn good. Santiago Cabrera is like damn freaking HAUTE la! Okok, it's a good story la right? Don't even get me started on hot guys, I can go on and on and on and on.........Chile for now!
Currently listening to: Orange Sky - Alexi Murdoch