Been meaning to change my blog skin but I obviously suck at it so there's no point for now. Or a significantly long time to go.

I just finished watching the The Garden State and it was definitely a commendable piece of work by Zach Braff. Nicely done. Shows that life should be well-lived.

Speaking of movies, caught a midnight movie 2 nights ago and WHAT THE HELL man. Watched Epic Movie which is utter shit. Literally. It was plotless, meaningless and a mere waste of time and money. It wasn't even funny! Just sheer lameness. GOSH. We picked it just because the other movies were almost full house and seats were limited anyway.

Was hit by some pretty sad news yesterday night. Maybe not many would know but Xu Wei Lun, the Taiwanese actress was killed yesterday night, in an accident. SHOCKING I say. Jesmine!!! Sad rigghttt????? She was a a pretty good actress with a bright future. Such a young age as well! UGH.

OH! And I wanna congratulate a certain friend of mine. I am soooooooooo happy for you. :)

Currently listening to: New Slang - The Shins


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