I'm A Child

In a nutshell, today summed up to be one of those days when you just feel joyous vibes all around, when you just decide to take that extra effort to walk a long distance home and smell the fresh air on the way and when even the clouds seem to dance against a breathtaking 'blue skies' backdrop. Plus for the record, 4 random people on the street smiled at me. And a cute guy included. HEH.

The walk back was very much refreshing and serene. I love taking walks on my own. It gives me time to ponder and listen to my music. Lucky to say, I get a daily dose of that, free of worries. For an hour too, I might add. But 2 days before, my ever peaceful and enjoying walk was disrupted by my killer boots culminating in me wincing every 2 seconds and praying hard my heel would be fine.

A sadder moment: I cannot deny - I miss home very badly. I miss everything about Malaysia. I miss the comfort of having family near, I crave the crazily cheap and good food, I yearn the hot weather, I ache for my car and I long for my comfortably simple old-fashioned room. Can someone tell me what the hell is wrong with me?

It has been decided.

i eat an apple a day


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