All things beautiful

Seeing how it's such a beautiful Sunday morning with yellow streaks of sunshine through my bedroom window, I took the liberty of borrowing Wen Ya's camera and stepping out into the cold to snap some pretty pictures! Yes, it was bright and sunshiney but still c-c-c-old!

Since it has been raining consecutively for the past week, I felt today deserved some recognition for its ab-sodulutely fab weather! So here goes....

The amazing view of Newcastle (and its hills) from my house

On another note, Thursday night was Taboo Night! Emmerie and Cheryl was literally dragged from Evatt all the way to Morpeth after some grocery shopping and dinner in Jesmond. Wen Ya and me acted as guides and braved the torturous 'blizzard-like' wind together with them. Smarty-pants Cheryl wore SHORTS (the horror!) for the long walk to our house. Of course, she was shivering her ass off and very much regretted that choice of clothing.

Em and Cheryl brought wine! Cute little plastic wine glasses and a wine bottle opener took their places on the kitchen table ready for duty. Knowing us, even wine opening can elicit some dumb-ass moments.

Sze Yee's 'hands-on experience', And the wine gets the limelight

The definition of laughing and rolling on the floor

Posing with wine

The wine and its new family....dunno why 2 pictures appeared..lazy to delete

After the wine was opened, the stupid idea of 'let's mimic the wedding dinner trend of pouring champagne down stacked glasses' came up. In this case, it was red wine. Some objections here and there but majority agreed and so plastic wine glasses took their respective positions. The pictures later on tell a story...

The beginning phase when the wine first enters the top glass

The middle phase when fear of the wine spilling transcends the fun of it all

The final phase when we decide using water would be a better choice and dear Cheryl uses a saucepan as a winebottle for that WONDERFUL effect

In a nutshell, Thursday night was one helluva night when we laughed our pants off, especially with Taboo and everyone's weird antics. Even the names of our teams: Genius (Emm and I) and '2 become 1' (Cheryl, Wen Ya and Sze Yee) had us guffawing hysterically.

The next morning was scheduled for some shopping at Charlestown. Everyone got up so late (12 noon), we had to rush to the bus stop in order to maximize our shopping hours.

Star Buy of the Day for me:

Piggy bank with my name on it! Childish yes, but I like!

And so with the wink of an eye, the weekend's over. The following week is welcomed with open arms (yeah right...) SINCE it spells the fact that my return to Malaysia is getting closer!

I miss Daddy, Mommy and Sissy!

everything's not lost


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